
Titan Automatic Stud Drivers are designed to drive studs with maximum efficiency. All automatic tools are quick loading and releasing. The design allows the tool to instantly release at the of the drive cycle. These tools are for use with any constant torque, non-impacting power source and can be used for hand tools, single or multiple spindle machines, and semi or fully automated systems. A variety of end gages and adaptors are available.

Non-Torque Control

Lancer Series

Lancer #1
16Nm Max Torque
#6 to 5/16” and M4 to M8

Lancer #2
47.5Nm Max Torque
¼” to 7/16” and M6 to M10


100 Series

5/16” to ½” and M8 to M12

7/16” to ¾” and M12 to M20

5/8” to 1-1/8” and M16 to M30


Torque Control

If the power source the stud driver will be connected to does not control torque, consider the Sentinel or 100 Series Automatic Stud Drivers. These tools have an integral mechanical clutch and can be adjusted for a wide range of torque.

Sentinel Series

Sentinel #1
Max Torque 16Nm
#6 to 5/16” and M4 to M8

Sentinel #2
Max Torque 23Nm
¼” to 7/16” and M6 to M10

Sentinel #2A
Max Torque 47.5Nm
¼” to 7/16” and M6 to M10


100 Series CD

#102 CD
Max Torque 54Nm
5/16” to ½” and M8 to M12

#103 CD
Max Torque 129Nm
7/16” to ¾” and M12 to M20

#104 CD
Max Torque 305Nm
5/8” to 1-1/8” and M16 to M30